Example Inference Flow

This section will guide the developer to walk the codebase of an inference flow, from C library API.

Library API

cvm-runtime defines the inference interface as below:

  1. CVMAPILoadModel(): load model of network handle

  2. CVMAPIInference(): inference via network handle

  3. CVMFreeModel(): free model space by handle

  • declaration: include/cvm/c_api.h

  • definition: src/core/c_api.cc

And the relative NDArray data API functions are:

  1. CVMArrayAlloc(): allocate the NDArray space

  2. CVMArrayFree(): free the NDArray space

  • declaration: include/cvm/runtime/c_runtime_api.h

  • definition: src/runtime/ndarray.cc

A simple inference code blocks refer to:

void *handle;
CVMAPILoadModel(..., &net, ...);

CVMArrayHandle data;
CVMArrayAlloc(..., &data);

CVMArrayHandle output;
CVMArrayAlloc(..., &output);

                data->data, data_len,
                &output->data, output_len);

... // process output data


CVM Model

  • declaration: inclulde/cvm/model.h

  • definition: src/core/model.cc

The API above invokes the lower level cvm::runtime::CVMModel class, which exposes the mainly inference interface.

And the cvm::runtime::CVMModel wrappered a pure on-device graph runtime, and set extra post-process logic on output Tensor. More details refer to source code please.

Graph Runtime

  • declaration: src/runtime/graph_runtime.h

  • definition: src/runtime/graph_runtime.cc

The cvm::runtime::CVMRuntime manages all the resources allocated via CPU, CUDA, OPENCL, …, etc. It will pre-allocate the model memory space on device and recognize the right order that operators execute.

cvm::runtime::CvmRuntime::Init() initialize the model network and do some neccessary checks such as shape infer, precision check, …, etc.

cvm::runtime::CvmRuntime::Setup() will prepare all the resources the model needs. Set up procedure has three steps:

  1. Plan Storage

Using optimizor to pre-calculate the operator memory size.

  1. Setup Storage

Allocate needed memory space and create NDArray node.

  1. Setup Op Execs

Connect all the NDArray node via operators and return the lambda function to execute. The operators are registered in some other places.

The cvm::runtime::CvmRuntime::Run() will trigger the execution for model inference.


Operators are some abstract mathematical process logic set. Currently cvm-runtime has supportted all 33 operators, grouped by similar properties. Specific operators name refer to the op list.

All operators are the instance for class cvm::Op, with different attribites, inputs, parameters, outputs.

Generally, we register an new opertors using the pre-defined macro CVM_REGISTER_OP(). And all the operators registry are located at directory src/top.

Besides, all the above registry function won’t set the specific operators’ inference logic. It’s a device-relative code implementation, so we put the forward function code in the src/runtime/{device_type}/ops directory according to the device type. Currently we have achieved three on-device version:

  • CPU

  • CUDA


The OPENCL is still in progress and not the latest version. Please refer to the source code for more detail process logic and the next section will abstract the mathematical logic in the formalization format.