
The cvm-runtime project contains two important part, CVM Runtime and MRT, contributing to the whole community for CortexLabs off-chain and on-chain ecosystem.

CVM Runtime

The CVM Runtime library is used in @CortexLabs’ full-node project: CortexTheseus, working for pure deterministic AI model inference.

CVM Runtime is a AI model inference framework with strict consistency, that is all the final inference result must be the same, non of the tolerance for any uncertain factor.

Motivation & Application

The CVM Runtime is referenced by CortexTheseus, a block-chain project, to combile the ability for open, decentralization and artificial intelligence.

As the blockchain requests, all the deployed node should maintain a consistent state, including memory state, smart contract and the block chain etc. And the consistent inference result for any model execution is also natural. Ideally, keep the same output for the same model and input at virous devices and system environments is our first target, and after that, keep all the operators output deterministic is another goal to be perform incidentally. Besides, we keep an ambiguous attitude for the flexibility and scalability of model graph (or model structure), like the sequence alteration or fuse operation for operators in a model.

Design & Architecture

The CVM Runtime project starts from inheriting the NNVM project. and the mainstream AI models are represented via the network structure graph, stacking with some pre-defined, basic operators. A model usually is organized with the tree construction.


NNVM is an early deep learning backend project, it’s still used and as an intergral part by the MxNet framework. In last few years, NNVM is also the backend for the deep learning stack: TVM, it has been replaced by the ir intermediate layer.

So we propose an stable, extensible and powerful AI operator set, that can apply and run most application models, specifically, the AI models which can well combile with blockchain, such as image classification, object detection, and NLP etc.

The graph runtime mantains a full integer memory state, and all the operators process the integer data flow and output integer data to avoid the non-determinism in floating point, such as different summation order and multi-threading. Also, we brought an data precision schema to get out of the overflow or underflow problem.


All data in CVM Runtime is an array of interger with precision ranged between 0 and 32. In mathmetical format, it means that \(d \in [-r, r], r = 2 ^ {\text{precision} - 1} - 1\).

More design and architecture introduction refers to the section: Design and Architecture please.

Supported Operators

One noticable thing to be indicate is that all the CVM Runtime operators process logic are deterministic. We strictly define the Operator Math Formalization for each operator according to the common AI framework definition.

CVM Runtime have defined the total 36 operators, and please refer to CVM Operator List for more details.

Model Representation Tool

MRT, short for Model Representation Tool, aims to convert floating model into a deterministic and non-data-overflow network. MRT links the off-chain AI developer community to the on-chain ecosystem, from Off-chain deep learning to MRT transformations, and then uploading to Cortex Blockchain for on-chain deterministic inference.

As the above CVM Runtime section points out, the model that goes under MRT transformation can be accepted by CVM Runtime, which we called it on-chain model. MRT propose approaches to transform floating model to on-chain model, mainly include:

  • do transformation from floating to full integer with minimum accuracy drop.

  • certify the process data to be non-flow over INT32.

Design & Architecture

MRT is based on the MXNet symbol, doing operations on the whole operators with topological order in models. Besides, for scalability, we’ve researched the model transformation from TensorFlow into MXNet, models such as mobilenet, inception_v3 have been successfully converted and more operators will be supported in the future. Other deep learning frameworks like PyTorch and Caffe is in the roadmap of our plan.

MRT transformation usage is simple to model-training programmer since we have separated model quantization procedures from source code. One can invoke MRT via programming or configuring the settings file, more detail usage refers to MRT Quantization Guide please.

Supported Operators

MRT adopts a wide range of MXNET operator support (include custom operators) which can be compiled into CVM operators. Please refer to MRT Operator List for more details.


Some effective links to MxNet libraries are listed here:

  1. Mxnet Symbol

  2. Gluon Model Zoo